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May 7, 2009

In this episode we talk with Graydon Blair of UtahBiodiesel and ask him how we can use Biodiesel in our daily life. We talk about brewing our oil diesel and what types of cars or generators will use Biodiesel.

eleven and a half years ago

Just a note for everyone rennspdiog to this particular blog entry: the corporation that owns Abercrombie and Fitch and Hollister is notorious for this kind of discrimination. Ironically, this company also owns Hot Topic, so it s just kind of funny that this kind of conformity is shown in the employees of all their stores. The employees of these stores have to sell the clothes in the store. In order to do that, the employees are selected to best portray the kind of people who will wear these clothes. It s not the right thing, but it is what happens. I think the greater root of the problem is not religious or cultural discrimination, but that corporations can tell employees how to look. That is something that I m concerned about already, because I m an elementary education major, and I have visible piercings and want more tattoos. (But this a completely other story I just don t like being told what is acceptable and unacceptable to look like.) My friend Sam is ethnically Jewish. He does not adhere to the religion of Judaism, but he is Jewish. He applied to work at Hollister and he did get the job. But (as he put it) he s not man pretty enough to work on the floor. He was employed to be a stock room worker instead. He took it in stride, because he didn t really need to be out on the floor. His self esteem wasn t crushed by their decision. He just needed a job to make money. He s more apathetic than this young woman in the video, but her discrimination suit is more compelling and evident in elements of discrimination than his was. Fellow SOC 119 students, can you verify something for me? When you work for Abercrombie or Hollister, isn t your title (if you work on the floor) that of a model ? I think I heard that somewhere before, but I don t remember where, so the validity of that notion is compromised. Can anyone who has worked there clarify that for me? Because if that s true, than it just strengthens the idea that this corporation hires the people that it does in an elitist way. I have a real problem with a person s validation solely coming from the clothing brands that they wear. It s just extremely shallow, and that s why I legitimately try to not associate with those people. Call that discrimination if you want to, but I don t care. I m going to generalize that anyone decked out in head to toe labels from one store has some problems with their image and self perception that can t actually be fixed by the clothing that they wear. However, in this country, we are (for now) allowed to dress in a manner that we see fit, and we are allowed to apply for any job that we want. The situation of this young woman is really appalling on Abercrombie/Hollister s end, but I m glad that there is a lawsuit being pushed on them. The fact of the matter is that they were wrong because they went back on an agreement, plain and simple. But I have to ask readers of this blog will you continue to shop at a store that treats their employees this way? I don t and haven t for years because I ve heard about all this crap before, and it sickens me to support someone profiting from being a dick. Will you all continue to support people and corporations like this for clothes that you don t really need? Tell me I want to know.

eleven and a half years ago

I unfortunately am not susiprred by this blatant discrimination from the Hollister and Abercrombie companies. In high school I worked at Hollister and saw this happen all the time, and like the video mentioned there have been incidents in the past where blacks have been discriminated against. I find it ironic that one of the main interview questions Hollister always asks prospective employees is why diversity is important. They seem to try to say they are not being unfair, but their actions tell a different story. Hollister is all about their image. The dress code was very specific and if you did not follow it you could get fired or get a strike. You had to wear flip-flops, and Hollister clothing. You could get away with Abercrombie clothing if the name was not on it also. The whole entire way the store is decorated portrays more of the beach, surf, and sun image they take on. The store that I worked at was redone completely. It is purposely dark with fake palm trees. The perfume is constantly sprayed on the clothes to smell beach-like. And there are even televisions with the ocean on it as well as only certain music allowed to be played up front. This shows that the Hollister Company has such a narrow view on what their store, including employees, should look like. They want the surfer looking, blond hair, tall, and yes white image reflected in their staff. At Hollister there are basically two types of employees: the models (who work out front) and the stock workers (who work in the back where they are seen less by customers.) A majority of the people who worked in the back of my store was black; however I am not saying that they were all black. A manager was also black, and even our district manager who had higher authority than everyone else in our store was black. However, it just seemed that although there were exceptions, the majority was white people working up front and in charge. Going from the front of the Hollister store into the back room was like a completely different place. In the front, it was all orderly and beach atmosphere but in the back it was rap and hip-hop and all different types of music on with people dancing and able to be free. It was just like a different culture and I found that really interesting because even us workers hated the scene Hollister created. All of the employees always joked about the ridiculous rules we had to follow, but that could also just happen at any job. In my whole 8 months working there I did not encounter a person being fired because of their religion, but I guess the poor girl s religion effected her appearance and thus Hollister thought she would make them look bad. The thing is Hollister just makes itself look bad. Like most companies, it is just a scheme to get people to think their store is so awesome and cool that we just all want to buy their clothes. But I think it is so important for their company to remember there is a difference between wanting to portray a store in a certain way and outright prejudice and unfairness. If Hollister wants a lot of people to shop at their store they should have all different employees in order to make everyone feel comfortable and not leave out everyone who does not fit in that narrow image and mind-set. [url=]kmlleseyqwx[/url] [link=]hpxkzfinkev[/link]

eleven and a half years ago

Beautiful photo and beautiful wtebise. I don't think I've ever even seen an apple tree, let alone picked my own apples. I'd better add that to my bucket list.

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