Apr 6, 2018
Can you lose 50 lbs in a month without crazy supplements?
In part three of the principles of weight loss series, I cover the fastest way to lose weight. The methods described within are hands down the fastest. Weight will fall off of you!
Some of the topics covered include:
I cover all this and more. Click the play button above and listen to the show.
Did you miss parts 1 or 2? Click these links and listen to the
The Principles of Nutrition episode gives some great background
information. This will help you lose weight. Click the link below
and give it a listen:
Below is a list of different names for sugars. You'll find them
under "ingredients" on packaged foods:
Having a strategy for weight loss is not the same thing as
having the ability. Through one on one coaching, my clients
overcome self-sabotage and gain the ability. Click the email
button above (just below the banner) and schedule a coaching
Get my free communication handbook, "Turning Arguments Into
Discussions." Click here: