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Apr 28, 2017

Are you suffering? Do you ever get the feeling you might be the one getting in the way of your happiness? Guess what?  You're right!

Gary Van Warmerdam joins me for a book review of the best seller from Don Miguel Ruiz: The Four Agreements, A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom. In this wonderful book, Ruiz provides a...

Apr 14, 2017

Are you questing for financial freedom down entrepreneurial paths? If so, a podcast is one of the best tools to help you get there! And Joshua Rivers will help to make sure that your podcast is successful.

In today's show, Joshua Rivers, founder of Creative Studios Academy and Podcast Guy Media LLC, tells how...

Apr 7, 2017

Would you like to travel, but think you can't afford it? Think again!

Philip Frey joins me to discuss how he hitchhiked across Europe on just $6 per day! (We say $7/day during the podcast, but our math was bad. It was actually $6/day.) He shares how he was able to visit 10 countries in 40 days, embracing the...