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Jul 24, 2010

I talk with Nelson Lebo about essential tools of a post-petroluem world... or for whatever world you live in (a modern world, a world where credit has dried up and food deliveries are erratic, a world where you care about the food you eat and where it comes from, a world where you realize that anything that ends with a...

Jul 11, 2010

Jack Spirko of the Survival Podcast stops by to educate Ol' Two Beers on Modern Survivalism. We also talk about Jacks background, the beginnings of his podcast, and where the future may very well lead us.

Both Jack and I spend alot of time talking on this podcast about many of the shortcomings of our modern society and...

Jul 6, 2010

After a few years of consuming and digesting massive amounts of information pertaining to our current financial/energy crisis I find it rare that I consume a 'game-changer'. So it was exciting to have an MP3 forwarded to me that provided me with that game-changing moment.

Now, when I say game-changer, I'm not talking...